
Nebulizers for Kids Infants and Asthma

Nebulizers for Kids Infants and Asthma

Nebulizer Machine for Asthma

Choosing a Nebulizer Machine for an Asthmatic Patient is a Question among every one searching for it. There is a flood of Brands online and customer wants to know the best brand available .

Before we want to know the best Product available we should understand the features and specifications of nebulizer.

  • Nebuliser Must have a good Flow Rate so that Medicine could be consumed and inhaled in reasonable Time.
  • Nebulizer Must have a good particle size so that fumes could be inhaled deeply into the lungs to give effective treatment of Lower respirator Tract.
  • Nebulizer must not be over heated when it is run in hot summer up to 42 C and must be able to run continuously.
  • Nebulizer must have long life of its piston piston rings and bearings so that it could work for years without service.
  • The operational Pressure must remain same during its life and should not fall in a few months
  • Service and parts like filters should be available to the customer.
  • It must be from a reputed brand who has checked and tested the performance of the nebulizer efficacy and understand its technology.
  • Some patients prefer a compact Nebulizer some want a compartment for to keep accessories. It is a matter of personal choice.

Nebulizer for kids and infants.


Usually kids have long term spasmodic cough or may catch pneumonia infections and pediatrician ask the parents to buy a Nebulizer.

In today’s modern lifestyle and busy schedule it is almost impossible to take the kids to the doctors clinic every morning and evening for nebulizations. Price of the Nebulizers have dropped drastically and it is available at leading pharmacies across the city.

Now the question arises How to choose the best Nebulizer for kids and infants.

These are the factors Parents should keep in mind when they buy a Nebulizer for kids.Rather the Technology for a Nebulizer for adults and kids is exactly same but some factors make it more suitable for kids and Infants.

A pediatric Nebulizer should have a Pediatric Mask

  • It must look elegant if it looks like a square unfinished machine it will irritate the kids more rather if the looks are good and finished the kids will like it.
  • It should have a long tube around 5 feet so that the machine could be kept far from the kid so that sound is not very irritating.
  • It should produce reasonable low sound around 55 DBA
  • It should have low particle size so that fumes could be inhaled easily and deeply as inhalation done by a kid is smaller than an adult.







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